A talk by Harry Chan, the Ghost Net Hunter

On the 21st May 2021, Harry Chan, the renowned ghost net hunter and alumnus of SSCPS, and his son Jon, gave a talk to F5 IB students about the pervasive problem of abandoned ghost nets & discarded waste in Hong Kong’s waters and its effects on the marine ecosystem. For the service element of CAS, our students are encouraged to develop international mindedness, be agents of change and do meaningful acts for the benefit of society. These are values and traits that epitomise Harry and his battle to clean up the marine environment as he is devoting his retirement years to diving to retrieve ghost nets and picking up plastic waste from the ocean. Our students asked numerous questions during the talk and many came away inspired by Harry’s passion in being a public advocate for change on marine pollution and his desire to educate them, the next generation, about raising awareness of this global issue was evident throughout. We are delighted to be partnering with Harry for two upcoming beach clean ups during the post-exam period for F4 & F5 IB students in late June.

Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311
Email: sschk@ssc.edu.hk