The Principal
Welcome to St Stephen’s College.
With God’s graces we’re celebrating our 120th Anniversary. Here at St Stephen’s, it is the people who have made this such a special, blessed place. The energy and creativity injected by Ms. Carol Yang, the immediate retiring Principal, will continue to inspire teachers’ professional efforts to unlock students’ potential. Our campus, facilities, school environment, history, tradition and culture all contribute to make well-rounded education happen.
Education at St Stephen’s goes beyond exams. We believe in and “are prepared to work and play”. Our boys and girls will be guided to strive for academic excellence; and all will be supported to pursue their passion and perform. Good language ability, sound moral principles, broad global perspectives, life-long learning skills, soft skills and stamina will characterize our well-rounded graduates.
No one is random at St Stephen’s. Each one counts. Staff, teachers and students value and enjoy each other’s presence here – “Our hearts are young, our ideals high”… The balanced and holistic curriculum will enable our boys and girls to soar and shine.
“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26
I look forward to welcoming you all to our family of St Stephen’s.
Mrs Julie Ma 
Principal of St Stephen's College


Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311