A reflection written by Clinton Yip
Before outward bound, I remember the school magazine Chimes and some senior form students said that outward bound would involve activities like hiking, kayaking, cooking etc. Most activities will need strong physical endurance, but I am not good in sports and don’t have high physical fitness level, so I was scared if I could finish the training successfully. Also, when I knew I was going to Wong Wan Chau, I heard that it was a devastated island with no facilities nor electricity, I was worried about it. After that, I saw the weather report and was shocked and further worried when it stated most days will be rainy days. However, I still wanted to make some new friends, and meet my old friends in SSCPS. In a nutshell, although I am worried and scared, I still hoped outward bound could enhance my physical strength, perseverance, leadership, teamwork and friendship.
A reflection written by Clement Ma
Before the course, the fact that my electronics and everyday items had to be confiscated haunted me. I could not stand not playing games or writing for four consecutive nights, and I was simply horrified when the order came to drop all electronic items in the teachers’ bag. Even though a learning course based on a wilderness survival theme appealed to me, I was still appalled that we could not get a little bit of phone time every day. My only hope was that this training would be worth my time and that it would serve as compensation for said problems above.
Throughout the course, the chemistry and teamwork between our twelve members became apparent, as we solved one blockade after another. I will not detail the problems we faced here, as we have a timeline arranged in our report. However, we learnt different techniques to solve problems, such as the PDR (plan, do, review) and we also had a chance to test it out, an activity that our trainers had designed.