Guidance Service

Guidance Committee aims at providing a warm environment for students. It has a group of guidance teachers and two social workers who help students to identify and support students with family, social, emotional and academic problems. It assists students to grow and develop personal strengths to meet their challenges by providing variety preventive and developmental guidance programs including Mentorship Program, Big Brother and Sister’s Scheme, Healthy School Program, Wellness for Youth Program, Stress Relief Program, Seeds Program, New Mainland Student’s Program, Correctional Scheme, Voluntary Service, Self-Enhancement Program.

Besides organizing different programmes for students, our guidance team also helps young people overcome problems that may hinder their academic, social or emotional development. We have two social workers, they help facilitate young people's personal growth and potential, and support youth who are at risk or in disadvantaged circumstances. Special programmes are also tailored to address parenting issues and ongoing social problems to promote harmonious family life and stronger interpersonal relationships.

School Social Worker – Susan Poon

Susan became our school’s social worker when she arrived in 2000. She completed her social worker diploma at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, before taking her Master degree at Hong Kong University, which she chose to specialise in social services for youth and the elderly. Susan was also a social worker at a Caritas Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre for 10 years before joining us. She is available to students, parents and teachers for advice through individual consultation or support groups. Susan also organises elderly social service programmes and self development groups for students to enrich their school life and become more mature students. When not working, she enjoys reading as her main pastime. Currently, this is her 20th year serving the school.


Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311